Hi, I’m Tiff 👋 A concept-and-design-loving Creative Director/Art Director with a dash of Writer mixed in. I can lead teams or dive in and be a team - solo or partnered. Regardless, I always push for work that’s relatable to the non-ad people amongst us while keeping it smart, entertaining, real nice looking and somehow on strategy.
I bring 18+ years of experience to the table from gigs at agencies of all sizes. Along with the work ethic of someone who spent their formative ad years working in NYC occasionally sleeping under desks and always barely able to afford rent. Don’t worry, I don’t sleep under many desks these days.
Places that have recognized my work include the Cannes Shortlist (so so so close), Addy Awards, One Show, Communication Arts, Jay Chiat Awards, Adweek/Creativity, Muse by Clios and my parents Facebook pages.
In addition to my work babies I have four real ones. Two are rescue mutts and the others are real live human kids. The human ones remind me how important it is to find the humor in everything and look away from the screen. The dog ones remind me to feed them. (The animals. I usually remember to feed the kids.)
Sound like I could help? Let’s talk ✨